

A symphony composed for the one I love.

The following eight sections are devotionals written to glorify God and his Word, Jesus Christ, who was and is, and will always remain an exceedingly profound expression of love from the eternal one. A love continually unfolding and flowing as a river whose waters are vital for life, and the richness of their nutrients to be extracted from the verses of the bible. Solomon wrote with the hope of revealing the sheer magnitude of this love through the words of the "Song of Songs", the greatest story of love ever told and recounted throughout our generations.

With this in mind, I could imagine no better way to bring homage to the one whose love is this river of life, which captivates hearts, than by seeking a new depth of revelation. the Hebrew meaning of each word of Solomon's song was used to create a symphony from God's Word, which has been playing a melody of love throughout time with the Word its conductor, and for the Word who was with God from the beginning. The Word is God; all things were made through God's Word, and in Him is life, eternal life, a light for all mankind (John 1:1-4) to see god's love in the face of Jesus.

The depth of God's Word and his love is immeasurable. for instance, the Song of Solomon is eight chapters in length. the biblical meaning for the number eight is new beginning, meaning a new order or creation, and man's true 'born again' event when he is resurrected from death into eternal life. My hope for this symphony of God's Word is for his life and love to radically impact you.  For he who sits on that lofty throne with the train of his robe filling the temple (Isa. 6:1) is waiting to fill our hearts with the greatest of blessings - His love.

