They profess to know God, to recognize, perceive, and be acquainted with Him, but deny and disown and renounce Him by what they do! (Titus 1:16 AMP)
Certain people have not only crept into the body of Christ, but they have also risen to positions of honor. These are individuals who long ago were marked out for this condemnation—ungodly people who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and deny the Word of God as Lord (Jude 4 NKJV). As the Lord says: “They come to Church as people do, sitting as My people. They hear the spoken Word, but they do not follow Me; for with their mouth they show much love, but their heart pursues their own interest and gain” (Ezekiel 33:31 NKJV).
The Message Bible explains that everyone who makes a practice of doing what God calls evil is addicted to denial (John 3:20). When searching for the explanation of denial, Google describes it as a type of defense mechanism that involves ignoring the reality of a situation to avoid anxiety. Defense mechanisms are strategies that people use to cope with distressing feelings. In the case of denial, it can involve not acknowledging reality or denying the consequences of that reality.
Emotional trauma is very difficult to manage and cope with. A very beneficial step can be taken when we admit we are powerless to control our tendencies to do the wrong things, which can cause life to become unmanageable. Recognizing, perceiving, and admitting that we are not God is an important first step.
Much of our struggle lies in accepting whatever it is we must accept—our denial, bargains, efforts to control, rescuing, anger, hurt, and grief. All of these struggles have been responsible for propelling us into greater distress. Many of us are survivors of the pain, shock, and stress of past traumatic experiences. We carry on with life until new demands bring the old wounds of the past storming back to the surface.
Emotional trauma is tricky and powerful. It is possible to think or believe its grip has been removed, but trauma can pull you back, bring you down by belittling and berating you. However, there is hope. By partaking in the journey of inner healing and recovery, we can gain a better understanding of how trauma works and how to be freed from its persistent grip.
We are reminded that although trials, hardships, and testing may be unwelcome, we are not alone. God is with us to protect, guide, and comfort us. This is crucial knowledge. God helps us by leading us through the storm and moving us to “Higher Ground.” God’s Word offers us courage, inspiration, and truth. God saves those who suffer—through their suffering. He gets people to listen—through their pain. God gently calls us from the jaws of trouble into an open place of freedom where He has set our table full of the best food—the Bread of Life and the Fruit of the Spirit.
God saves those who suffer—through their suffering! God gets people to listen—through their pain! God gently calls us from the jaws of trouble into an open place of freedom where He has set our table full of the best food—the Bread of Life and the Fruit of the Spirit! (Job 36:15-16 NCV)