Praise God!
The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
In His great mercy
He has given us new birth
Into a living Hope
Through the resurrection of Christ Jesus
From the dead
New birth into an inheritance
That can never perish, spoil or fade
Kept in heaven for those
Who through faith
Are shielded by God’s power
By the Word of Truth
God protects us
He cleanses and sanctifies us
Yes, He purifies those who obey
Who do more than merely
Listen to the Word
So not to be deceived
Or deluded by persuasive and beguiling
We who worship by the Spirit of God
Who glory in Christ Jesus
Agree to
Submit to
Surrender to
Defer to
Comply with
Conform to
Abide by
God’s Word of Truth
For the Word of Truth lives in us
And will be with us forever
Giving us strength
To overcome the evil one
Yes, the Word is near us
The Word is in our mouth
And in our heart
Born again
By the living and enduring
Word of God
Never forget the precepts
Of the Lord
His instructions and directions
His teachings and directives
For by them He preserves the lives
Of those who place their faith and trust
In Him
In the One clothed in a robe dipped in blood
In Him whose name is
The Word of God
Put no confidence in the flesh
Our wisdom and knowledge mislead
When these are the words
We speak to ourselves
‘I am, and there is none besides me’
Blessed are they who have not seen
And yet have believed
New Birth and Living Hope Through God’s Word